MicroKim offers an extensive line of Wireless Communication products:
One of Microkim's specialties is various up /down converters for wireless communication applications like Point to Point, Point to Multi point, WLL, MMDS, LMDS.
Our Up / Down converters are especially built for high grade military and industrial applications as well as low cost general commercial applications. The products can be designed and built according to your required specifications.

The UDC is a compact module designed for integration with RTS (Radar Test Simulator).
The unit enables down converting of microwave bands to low IF bands and features wide IF band width.

The ODU is a compact module which comprises of an UP / Down converter, Power Supply, PA (Power Amplifier), Filter-Duplexer and low phase noise synthesizers.
It features a built-in monitor and control for remote and local monitoring which is designed for High Data Rate operating with one antenna for full duplex operation in varying modulation formats.
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The UHF Transmitter is an airborne AM transmitter operating at UHF band range, which has one operating frequency. The shock absorber TCXO enables the unit to withstand airborne vibrations.